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(MDPI, 2024-10-01) Lupenko, Serhii
This work is devoted to the procedure of the construction of an abstract cyclic functional relation, which summarizes and extends the known results for a cyclically correlated random process and a cyclic (cyclically distributed) random process to the case of arbitrary cyclic functional relations. Two alternative definitions of the abstract cyclic functional relation are given, and the fundamental properties of its cyclic and phase structures are presented. The theorem on the invariance of cyclicity attributes of an abstract cyclic functional relation to shifts of its argument, and which are determined by the rhythm function of this functional relation, is formulated and proved. This theorem gives the sufficient and necessary conditions that the rhythm function of an abstract cyclic functional relation must satisfy. By specifying the range of values and attributes of the cyclicity of an abstract cyclic functional relation, the definitions of important classes of cyclic functional relations are formulated. A deductive approach to building a wide system of taxonomies of classes of deterministic, stochastic, fuzzy and interval cyclic functional relations as potential mathematical models of cyclic signals is demonstrated. A comparative analysis of an abstract cyclic functional relation with the known mathematical models of cyclic signals was carried out. The results obtained in the article significantly expand and systematize the mathematical tools of the description of cyclic signals and are the basis for the development of effective model-based technologies for processing and computer simulation of signals with a cyclic space-time structure.
(American University Kyiv, 2024-09) Dombrovskyi, Vladyslav; Yudenko, Vadym; Vakhitov, Volodymyr; Zaika, Nataliia
This report analyzes Ukrainians' attitudes toward mental health services, identifying barriers and stereotypes that hinder seeking help. The main goal of the study was to assess the overall stress levels in the country and identify the factors that influence people's (un)willingness to seek psychological support. The study is based on data from a sociological survey conducted by the "Rating" sociological group on the "Rating Online" platform from April 11 to 23, 2024. A total of 1,464 respondents participated in the survey. According to the analysis, 41.7% of respondents have a positive attitude toward psychologists, 41.7% are neutral, and 16.7% hold a negative view. The main barriers to seeking help include the belief that psychologists cannot assist with all problems (70%), the high cost of services (65%), and the perception that seeking help from a psychologist is not commonly accepted in Ukraine (61%). The report also examines stress levels using the PSS-10 scale, revealing that 20% of respondents experience high levels of stress, with women and younger people showing higher stress levels. In addition, the authors analyzed Ukrainians' attitudes toward various mental health service providers, including family doctors (GPs), psychologists, psychiatrists, psychological help centers, and mental health centers. Family doctors received the lowest effectiveness ratings. The hypothesis that there is bias against psychiatrists compared to psychologists was not confirmed, as their effectiveness ratings were similar (54% and 62%, respectively). Mental health centers are not perceived as more effective than psychological help centers.
ЧОМУ ЛЮДИ УНИКАЮТЬ ПСИХОЛОГІЧНОЇ ДОПОМОГИ: бар'єри та стереотипи. (Аналітичний звіт).
(Амерікан Юніверсіті Київ, 2024-09) Домбровський, Владислав; Юденко, Вадим; Вахітов, Володимир; Заїка, Наталія
Цей звіт аналізує ставлення українців до послуг психічного здоров’я, виявляючи бар’єри та стереотипи, що заважають зверненню по допомогу. Основною метою дослідження було оцінити загальний рівень стресу в країні та фактори, що впливають на готовність звертатися по психологічну допомогу. Дослідження базується на даних соціологічного опитування, проведеного соціологічною групою «Рейтинг» на платформі «Рейтинг Онлайн» з 11 по 23 квітня 2024 року. В ньому взяли участь 1464 респонденти. За результатами аналізу, 41,7% респондентів позитивно ставляться до психологів, 41,7% — нейтрально, і 16,7% — негативно. Основними бар'єрами до звернення є переконання, що психологи не можуть допомогти з усіма проблемами (70%), висока вартість послуг (65%) і переконання, що в Україні не прийнято звертатися до психолога (61%). Звіт також досліджує рівень стресу за шкалою PSS-10, згідно з якою 20% респондентів мають високий рівень стресу, причому цей рівень є вищим серед жінок та молоді. Окрім цього, автори проаналізували ставлення українців до різних надавачів послуг у сфері психічного здоров’я: сімейних лікарів, психологів, психіатрів, центрів психологічної допомоги та центрів ментального здоров’я. Найнижчу оцінку отримали сімейні лікарі. Гіпотеза про наявність упереджень щодо психіатрів порівняно з психологами не підтвердилася: їхні оцінки ефективності були схожими (54% і 62% відповідно). Центри ментального здоров’я не сприймаються як більш ефективні порівняно з центрами психологічної допомоги.
(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2024) Bots, Yuriy; Turchak, Konstantyn
This paper examines the approach and the effectiveness of public communication (conducted via Facebook posts) by the most prominent entrepreneurial and business associations in Ukraine. The data covers five associations over the period of 6 months during 2023. This paper focuses on two major areas. First, the types and the characteristics of the content business associations share. Second, the effectiveness of the communication approaches. The main results of the paper are as follows. First, we find that there are some differences in the communication approach among the reviewed business associations. Frequency of posts differs across organizations and each organization has its own way of mixing the use of the posts of different formats, functions, and sub-functions. Second, the research indicates that there is a difference in the effectiveness of collecting the reactions.
(2024-07-29) Ilienko, Oksana; Lysiutin, Igor; Lytvynchuk , Andrii
The article is devoted to the analysis of current data necessary for strategic planning and development of the aviation industry. The main processes of strategic planning of the aviation industry are analyzed, which include: definition of goals and strategies; market analysis and competitiveness; financial planning; organizational structure and analysis of personnel management; technical development; risk management. The uniqueness of this study is justified by the latest data on the development of the world market of the aviation industry, which is confirmation of the importance of all presented processes necessary for strategic planning and development of the aviation industry. It was determined the list of the latest data needed for strategic planning and developments in aviation would be based on: the analysis latest data needed for strategic planning and development of aviation use; market trends and forecast; regulatory updates; competitor analysis; technological advancements; financial performance metrics; environmental impact assessments. The research concludes how to use the latest data for strategic planning in the following processes: making investment decisions, resource planning, and risk management, analysis of passenger flow data and market demand, flight schedules, receive information about delays and cancellations; combine multiple data sets such as schedules, status, and booking data, to get a unique 360-degree view of the air travel landscape; interdepartmental cooperation; security based on access; global analysis of competitors; analysis of all flights worldwide. Analysis of the current statistics of the aviation industry has proved that the rapid change of factors such as market competition, changes in the global economy, technological innovation and regulation, which were previously more stable, necessitates a rapid response and revision of strategic plans for the development of the aviation industry. It is proved that only a constant analysis of the latest strategic planning data can help airlines adapt to these changes, predict future trends and develop sustainable development strategies.