Dumych, Taras2025-03-072025-03-072025Dumych, T. (2025). DECISION-MAKING AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE UKRAINIAN VENTURE CAPITAL ECOSYSTEM DURING WARTIME. Kyiv: American University Kyiv. 51 p.https://er.auk.edu.ua/handle/234907866/124Venture capital has played a significant role not only in the success of individual companies and industries but also in the economic success of entire countries, as evidenced by the experience of the United States. This study explores the decision-making and risk management strategies employed by venture capital firms within Ukraine's venture capital ecosystem. Specifically, it examines the impact of war on the functioning of this ecosystem and its players. The analysis draws on a combination of literature focused on venture capital and risk management, as well as practical insights gathered from survey interviews conducted with ten top executives of venture capital firms. By integrating both theoretical and practical perspectives, this study offers a comprehensive understanding of the subject.en-USventure capitaldecision-makingrisk managementDECISION-MAKING AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE UKRAINIAN VENTURE CAPITAL ECOSYSTEM DURING WARTIMEПРИЙНЯТТЯ РІШЕНЬ ТА УПРАВЛІННЯ РИЗИКАМИ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ ЕКОСИСТЕМІ ВЕНЧУРНОГО КАПІТАЛУ В УМОВАХ ВОЄННОГО СТАНУThesis