Khoroshok, Petro2025-03-112025-03-112025Khoroshok, P. (2025). Returning of Ukrainian Forced Migrants: Management of The Policies in Ukraine, Poland, and Germany. Kyiv: American University Kyiv ongoing conflict in Ukraine has led to an extensive population crisis, with numerous forced migrants seeking asylum in adjacent nations. Poland and Germany served as the primary destinations for a significant number of Ukrainians, collectively accommodating more than 2.2 million people compelled to abandon their homes due to unprovoked russian military aggression against Ukraine. This capstone project analyzes the policies and management measures implemented by Ukraine, Poland, and Germany to support the repatriation of Ukrainian forced migrants. The study explores the socio-political, economic, and logistical dimensions of repatriation policies, aiming to identify best practices, challenges, and potential pathways for sustainable reintegration of Ukrainian forced migrants. Through a comparative analysis, the study explores the effectiveness of these policies, the challenges faced by returning migrants, and the socioeconomic impacts on both the host and home countries. The research utilizes an analytical approach, official data from Ukrainian and hosting countries' sources, and quantitative data analysis. The project analyzes governmental frameworks, international collaboration, and support mechanisms implemented in the three countries. It also describes the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international institutions, and host communities in supporting the migration process. The findings aim to provide insights into best practices for managing forced migration and reintegration, offering recommendations for improving policy frameworks to facilitate the sustainable return of Ukrainian forced migrants to their homes. This study enhances the comprehension of reintegration policies implemented by Germany, Poland, and Ukraine for displaced Ukrainians but also enriches the importance of further development and improvement of such policies in the coming years, emphasizing the importance of focusing on diverse groups of forced migrants and conducting diversified state policiesen-USpopulation crisisUkrainian crisisforced migrantsRETURNING OF UKRAINIAN FORCED MIGRANTS: MANAGEMENT OF THE POLICIES IN UKRAINE, POLAND, AND GERMANYПОВЕРНЕННЯ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ВИМУШЕНИХ ПЕРЕСЕЛЕНЦІВ: МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ ПОЛІТИК В УКРАЇНІ, ПОЛЬЩІ ТА НІМЕЧЧИНІThesis