Putrenko, Viktor2024-11-122024-11-122024-10-23Putrenko, V. (2024, October 23). Artificial Intelligence in Satellite Imagery Analysis [PowerPoint slides]. URI: https://er.auk.edu.ua/handle/234907866/108https://er.auk.edu.ua/handle/234907866/108Artificial intelligence is effectively used in processing space images for pattern recognition tasks in the tasks of classification and detection of objects. The use of artificial intelligence and remote sensing technologies can significantly facilitate and speed up the process of monitoring spatial objects. Neural networks have a powerful potential in recognizing and localizing objects from images based on deep learning technologies. Using these technologies in conjunction with geospatial tools can help create an effective remote sensing information system.en-USArtificial intelligenceSatellite imagery analysisMachine learningARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN SATELLITE IMAGERY ANALYSISPresentation