Ivchenko, Oleksandr2024-02-282024-02-282024https://er.auk.edu.ua/handle/234907866/43LLM models have created a new era of learning and teaching methodologies. This article examines the profound impact of LLM models on the educational environment. The study explores their integration in various educational settings and highlights their universal application and transformative potential. LLM models have the potential to bridge gaps in education, provide an alternative perspective, generate high-quality resources, and provide exclusive education for people with different learning needs. The study highlights the potential of combining technology and human experience to create an enriched learning ecosystem. The future of learning, shaped by artificial intelligence technologies, promises an improved educational experience.en-USIntegrationLLM ModelsChatGPTOpen AIEducationEducational text analysisA SUBSYSTEM OF THE INTEGRATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PORTAL WITH THE LLM-BASE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT GENERATION SYSTEMПІДСИСТЕМА ІНТЕГРАЦІЇ ОСВІТНЬОГО ПОРТАЛУ З СИСТЕМОЮ ГЕНЕРАЦІЇ ОСВІТНЬОГО КОНТЕНТУ НА ОСНОВІ LLMThesis